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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

AG Labordidaktik

The Working Group "AG Labordidaktik" at H-BRS

The laboratory as a place of learning

In the context of e.g. a lab didactic seminar, in which different labs and their teaching/learning methods are presented, we want to exchange ideas on the following didactic questions against the background of the higher education policy framework and requirements of the job market:

  • What potentials do laboratory courses offer and how can the didactic possibilities of teaching and learning in the laboratory be exploited to achieve learning goals?
  • Which design possibilities - resulting from the learning needs and the framework conditions - are there?
  • How can the learning process be accompanied in a motivating way?
  • What organizational and methodological aids are there?
  • What experiences have you gained as a lecturer?
  • To what extent can findings from other laboratory courses be transferred to your own laboratory events?